Islamic Finance Against Trust Receipt

This facility is structured under Murabaha Concept. Contractual buying and selling at a mark-up profit is called Murabaha. In this case, the client requests the Bank to purchase certain goods for him. The Bank purchases the goods as per the specifications and requirements of the client.


  • Enables you to obtain delivery of goods and sell the goods without immediate payment
  • Prompt payment to your supplier
  • No minimum amount or tenor of financing. Financing can be on the invoice value for any number of days required, subject to your facility tenor/limit
  • Early or partial settlement is allowed


  • The facility is offered under the Shariah contract of Murabahah.
  • This is a mode of investment which is usually used for working capital finance requirement of the client.
  • Client may place an order to purchase a good by the Bank and committing to buy the same from the Bank.
  • Stock and availability of the goods is a basic condition. Bank must purchase the goods to acquire ownership.
  • Once the price is fixed as per the agreement and deferred, it cannot be further increased.
  • Agreed price will include cost price and profit. Bank must disclose the cost price and profit.

Shariah Pronouncement

﴿بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم﴾

الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله، وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.

Approval of Shariah Supervisory Committee

The Shariah Supervisory Committee of City Bank has reviewed Finance Against Trust Receipt documentation, related contracts and processes.

Therefore, We the “Shariah Supervisory Committee” for City Bank confirm that in our opinion the Finance Against Trust Receipt product & process are in accordance with the principle of Islamic finance and hence we allow the bank to provide this products & services to its customer.

And Allah Knows Best.


Dr. Md. Anwar Hosain Molla


Shariah Supervisory Committee, City Bank

This certificate was signed on Tuesday 11th May 2021